The Holland Animation Film Festival is from now on an annual event and the 13th edition of the festival will take place November 4-8, 2009.
Submit your film for this festival edition for the following competitions:
-- Competition for Independent Animated Shorts in the categories narrative and non-narrative-- Competition for Applied Animation in the categories commercials, educational films, music videos and leaders
The entry forms for these competitions are available at Through this entry forms, Dutch productions for both competitions (as well independent and applied) can also apply for the Competition for Best Dutch Animation. A prize will be awarded by the audience.
Deadline for all entries: July 1, 2009.
Holland Animation Film Festival is a unique five-day international meeting place for all professionals, animation lovers, producers, students, upcoming talents and all interested audiences. Featuring retrospectives, thematic programs, master classes, talk shows, exhibitions, installations, SFX/VFX and much more.