I've Seen Films International Short Film Festival 2008

I've Seen Films International Short Film Festival, founded by actor Rutger Hauer, has announced its first edition will be held in 2008 in Milano, Italy. The festival is linked to the third edition of the online Tiscali Short Film Award (TSFA) competition. Hauer will personally present awards to the winning directors. Submission forms, Call for Entry document, and complete information regarding eligibility and entry rules and regulations are available at: www.cortoweb.it/icfilms or www.rutgerhauer.org/icfilms.

I've Seen Films 2008 provides creators with added exposure by streaming their works on the Internet as part of the Tiscali Short Film Award event. An international audience will vote to select the best films for the Festival Competition. A jury of experts will bestow awards on the best films in their respective categories. This year, the jury is comprised of Richard Gere, Paul Verhoeven, Ridley Scott, Robert Rodriguez and Maestro Ludovico Einaudi.

Monday, September 1, 2008 - 11:00am to 7:00pm
Submission Deadline 
Monday, March 17, 2008 - 12:00pm