The Toronto Animated Image Society presents a Masterclass with Israeli animators Uri Kratnot & Michal Pfeffer Modereted by Ellen Besen.
Uri and Michal's films have screened from Hiroshima to Boston and garnered international critical-acclaim for their challenging content and breathtaking style. Most recently the pair won the Award for Best Animationat the Tampere Festival in Finland. Join them for an in-depth analysis of their films and a glimpse into their creative process. Including a sreening of the work that inspired them.
When: Wed. May 10th Where: NFB Cinema 150 John Street, Toronto Time : 8:00p.m. FREE EVENT RSVP 416 533 7889 This event is in partnership with the Toronto Jewish Film Festival and the National Film Board and presented with support from the Canada-Israel Committee in association with the UJA Federation.