Category: Flash

Animation Blogs


Working as a companion to the live-action feature GREEN LANTERN, this animated anthology feature focuses its stories on the lesser known Green Lantern Corps members. One overarching tale links the five vignettes, which are origin stories of sorts for five characters. It’s like a primer for the Green Lantern world.

Digital Headline News

Starz Digital Media Renews Web Series How It Should Have Ended

Starz Digital Media, the digital and on-demand distribution arm of Starz Media, LLC, has renewed the popular, movie parody web series “How It Should Have Ended” (HISHE) for a second season and will expand the HISHE franchise into the video game genre with a new web series, “How It Should Have Ended: Video Games.”

Headline News

Deathly Hallows – Part 1 Highest Grossing Potter Film Internationally

Warner Bros. Pictures’ Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1 has become the highest grossing installment in the Harry Potter franchise in international markets.

Animated Blogs

From the director of the Oscar nominated "Waltz with Bashir" comes "The Congress" - a Sci-Fi adaptation of Stanislaw Lem's novel

By Tal Lotan | Friday, February 4, 2011 at 5:52pm

Animatorit is a new animation blog, focusing mainly on Israeli animation but also on international animated shorts. For an appetizer, Animatorit brings you the latest info on the new project by Ari Folman - director of the Oscar nominated "Waltz with Bashir". Who is Ari Folman? What was his first animated project? Who was cast in his new film? And why will half of it be live action and the other half animated?

Toy Story 3 Blogs

10 Till 6 #1: Crying Through Toy Story 3, A Stick Figure Action Hero Returns & Animated Politicos

By Dan Sarto | Wednesday, October 13, 2010 at 12:22pm

Time Magazine asks why parents cry during animated kids movies, Alan Becker's newest installment of Animator vs. Animation hits the web and Ray Grigg's political documentary I Want Your Money, highlighted by animated US Presidents past and present, hits selected theaters.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 16

The Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum hits Hollywood this week as they kick off their exclusive and elusive star-studded six week podcasting tour of the west coast animation dynasty. It's FFAFLA 2010! Join Alan, Joel, Computer, and Sam Olschan as they tinkle and toast their way into the hearts of the industry's most influential celebrataunts and debuties. Special guest and International Manimator of Mystery, Mike Overbeck, gets things going as he discusses his commercial work, personal films, unemployment animation time-fillers, and interrogation spy techniques.

Digital Headline News

Iron Man 2 Coming to Blu-ray/DVD in Sept.

The billionaire Super Hero in the iron suit is back in Marvel Studios' and Paramount Pictures' thrilling sensation IRON MAN 2, debuting on Blu-ray, DVD, and digital download September 28, 2010.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 06

On this week's episode of the Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum, Alan gives Joel a sneak peek at his decades-old experimental energy sleep activity cycle! Then, the most impressively twinned pair of animation super-star multi-makers Fran and Will Krause ride into the forum on their tandem bike to discuss making things, breaking things, and their high-octane bacon-powered recipe for dancin' dancin' dancin'.

Special Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 05

On FFAF's big 5-week anniversary celespectaculation, Joel expunges another special circuitous grievance about inconsequential matters pertaining to his favorite subject, Animation, with no real concluding statement. Alan's face reacts quizzically. Later, Director and Animator Dan Abdo enters The Forum to discuss comics, commercials, censuses, corporate identities, and exactly why Vermont is for lovers.

Movie Headline News

'The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie' Released on DVD and Download-to-Own

By Dan Sarto | Thursday, April 22, 2010 at 8:15am

The entire original cast and Family Guy's Seth MacFarlane, as the voice of I.S.R.A.E.L, get drawn into the brand new animated feature film, which is now available on DVD and download-to-own.

Animation Blogs

Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 03

Author, animator, and 80's cartoon voice reenactor, The Definitive Tim Finn, stops by to discuss coffee-table books, animation based on colors, and 3D Chess. Joel and Alan then engage Tim in a very brief but colossal battle of capitalism in FFAF's newest radio game, "Two Minute Monopoly". All is then put classier when the beautiful, the insightful, and the ever effervescent Lorelei Pepi reveals her unorthodox recipe for Italian Wedding Soup, her thoughts on animation and art, and why FFAF's other newest radio game, "Brain Cloning", is a good excuse to beat up on Joel's face.
