For all of you who have cheked into my website only to see the same minimal bits over & over again - my thanks. Work on enlarging the site is underway right now. There's a whole new look planned for about the end of the month.
Work is also progressing on developments for specialized animation furniture. These will begin to show up on the site shortly after the first round on enhancements. Here are a couple of the items that are planned:
Student Easle Board: Finally a complete rethinking of the standard easle that we're all so familiar with. Light weight & with some features nobody you've been paying your money to so far has bothered to consider.
Folding Animator's Table: A full size Animator's Table that folds up & rolls away for storage! Think how project volume expands & contracts a studio with freelance artists. This is a very smart solution to the problem & indludes Scene Stackers for both 12 & 16 field cels.
Related Animation Furniture: Roll-around drawer units for all your tools & files as well as some special lighting developments are both planned for about the end of the year.
Check us out to get a taste of what's possible at the URL below in the signature.