Multimedia school

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Multimedia school

Hi everyone, my name is Marco Hernandez. I´m a Mexican student searching for a place to study multimedia in an Spanish or English speaking country. I have been searching since december 04, mainly in Spain and Canada. But with out to much success. 2 months ago I thinked that I was found my place in Canada ,at Seneca College. But what was my surprise when I went there and I didn´t find the academic and students level that it seamed to have.Also I tried Algonquin College but the history was the same.

So now I am desperate. I have spent 5 month of my life (really) on this hunting and now I feel exhausted and disappointed. Now I´m aiming to USA or Australia, I discard UK for the prices, but you know the big offer that exist on these countries, actually only in USA, of multimedia programs. So I feel fucking lost.

Does anybody could give me an advice about a good school in the field?
I´m interested in web development,motion graphics, video, animation,3d.

Before hands thanks!!!


I am from Mexico too. THere is a good school in Mexico city: Eunoia and it is rapidly becoming the best in Latin America. I think their site is
