Design Templates

By Greg | Wednesday, March 29, 2006 at 7:11am

Hey guys-

One template is fully done (save for the comment styling, but that doesn't take long) so please check it out:

This is the fixed width one, and then tomorrow (well, today) I'll send over a second blog template which will be a fluid layout with a darker-colored theme. The sidebar ad spaces can be popped in easily so I didn't bother mocking them up because the sidebar design won't change at all.

Feedback is welcome :)

Thanks guys,


Dan Sarto's picture
Submitted by Dan Sarto on

Mike - within the system, will users have access to change template colors, like for example, the red title bar? Will they be able to change the background pattern? By design, I believe we will be allowing certain customizability (no hacking out the ad positions though) so I'm just curious what, ultimately, a blogger can do with these templates. I realize they'll be of all different capabilities as far as design/programming skills so as a practical matter, many may not even be able to do anything other than fire up one of our standard templates.

Can you explain how this part of it should work?

As far as feedback, the components seem pretty simple. The icon background design of the title bar is very basic. I'm not that hot on the left and right side background pattern - it looks very floral to me for some reason.


Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.