Animated Dreams at Tallinn Black Nights Film FestivalTallinn, EstoniaNov. 21-25, 2007Deadline: Aug. 15, 2007
Animated Dreams is a tiny, but a strongly viable part of the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival. Animated shorts were first screened in 1999 as preludes to the main features. It gave birth to the first and only animation festival in Estonia, the country of "a little big nation of animation."
The core of Animated Dreams is the international competition program, which is judged by an international jury. To add variety to competition entries, numerous special programs include retrospectives of a filmmaker, genre or studio, focus on a country and an overview of the latest Estonian animations.
The 9th edition of Animated Dreams in 2007 will focus on the 50th anniversary of the Estonian stop-motion film studio Nukufilm. For that occasion, Nukufilm, in co-operation with Animated Dreams, is going to organize an international colloquium "The Soul of Voodoo" on stop-motion film.
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