AWNs Discussion Forums give you direct access to an unparalleled group of animation industry experts. Don't be shy! Visit the Forums!
Visit THE ANIMATION CAFÉ, THE BUSINESS OF ANIMATION or THE ANIMATOR'S DESKTOP and stay in touch with the animation community! New threads this week include:
Disney's sequel to "Snow White," the animated films in the Oscar race, where have all the animated stars gone?
THE ANIMATION FLEA MARKET is a place to buy, sell and trade your animation-related items. New items posted this week:
For sale: AXA Team 2D animation software . . . Animation Art Auction Price Guide. Wanted: Animation Master Software training manuals . . . information about Metrovision.
AWN'S SHOW AND TELL is where you can display your work for your peers and get their feedback! New links posted this week:
Bubu the Owl, Dragonfly Entertainment's Website, stop-motion film "Air," animated short "Enron: Facing the Music," a monster a day at Rawr!net, and a fansite dedicated to non-existent cartoon "Li'l Bill."
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