April 6-9, 2000, The Brisbane International Animation Festival willrepresent Australia in the international animation festival alliance withOttawa, Holland, Fantoche and Anima Mundi animation festivals. It isAustralia's only festival dedicated exclusively to animation in all of itsforms. Playing host to national and international guests who will gather inBrisbane, Australia, to experience the best of world class animation, thefestival provides a local, national and international forum for theappreciation of the art and diversity of animation. Programming willinclude an International Competition, National Commercials Competition,Retrospectives, Gay and Lesbian Themes in Animation, Seminars, Late NightFeatures and Children's Components. Stop-motion master, Ray Harryhausenwill open the Festival as guest of honor. The Festival tours from Brisbaneto Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Darwin, Perth, Cairns, Canberra, Hobart andother major regional centers. Deadline for entries is January 14, 2000 andentry forms for the International Competition are available on the festivalweb site at www.biaf.com.au. For more information contact Peter Moyes,Director at PO Box 1361, Fortitude Valley, Q 4006, Australia; Tel.: ++ 6173392-2307; Fax: ++ 617 3392-2314; or E-mail: info@biaf.com.au.