Cartoon Competition from Fantoche and Swiss Youth HostelDeadline: August 16, 2009
To celebrate the 85th anniversary of Swiss Youth Hostels, Fantoche is joining forces with them to launch a unique competition. Everyone, whether young or old, professional or amateur, is invited to send us an animated film. We're looking for your animated film stories that play out in and around Swiss youth hostels. The animation film competition is being advertised worldwide.
Within the walls of Switzerland's youth hostels, stories unfold every day, and sometimes late at night, that you'll remember your whole life long. Whether it's a true story or a made-up one, you can use all the techniques of animated film, draw the figures, model them or glue them, and animate them on your computer. The only condition is that your films must be no longer than 1 minute.
A jury will choose the 10 most exceptional animated films. However, the ultimate winner of the competition will be chosen by the public. From 24 August to 13 September, you can watch and rate the selected films on the Swiss Youth Hostels and Fantoche websites, and at the Fantoche Festival itself. The winners will be treated to holidays in youth hostels in Europe and Switzerland.
Click here to download the entry form, get details on the competition program and the prizes. You can also find more information at Send your animated films to:
Schweizer Jugendherbergen"Trickfilm"Schaffhauserstrasse 14Postfach8042 ZurichSwitzerland
The deadline for submissions is August 16, 2009.