CARTOON MOVIE, the only event dedicated to promoting European animated feature films, has announced the nominated companies for the Cartoon Movie Tributes 2004. These tributes highlight the initiatives that contribute to the recognition and the success of the European animation cinema. Three of them will be chosen by the professionals attending the event.
The nominated companies are:
* A. FILM (Denmark)For its wide European collaboration in the production of European feature films.
* MIKADO FILM (Italy)For its dedication to distributing European animated features.
* CENTRUM VOOR KINDER - EN JEUGDFILM (Belgium)For its strong European distribution strategy in Dutch speaking Benelux.
* FOLIMAGE-VALENCE-PRODUCTION (France)For having created and produced LA PROPHÉTIE DES GRENOUILLES, entirely in-house.
* MUNICH ANIMATION FILM (Germany)For its contribution to the development of animated films in Europe.
* PATHE EUROPE (U.K./France)For its work in developing a European strategy for production and distribution, and as an exhibitor of European animation films.
The 6th edition of CARTOON MOVIE will be held March 11-13, 2004, at Babelsberg fx.Center, in Potsdam (Germany). CARTOON MOVIE offers professionals involved in the financing, the production, the distribution or the exploitation of feature films, a complete panorama of European cartoon films at different stages of their production or already available.
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