Korean computer graphics company FXGear will release its cloth simulation software Qualoth in the market for sales on December 8.
FXGear has entered into a technology license and support services agreement with DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc. for the use of technology behind cloth simulation. This is FXGear's first technical support services agreement with a major Hollywood film studio.
The FXGear cloth simulation was first used by DreamWorks Animation on SHREK THE THIRD, released 2007. FXGear technology will be further incorporated into DreamWorks Animation's future productions, including its 2009 3-D animated project, MONSTERS VS. ALIENS.
Cloth simulation technology enables the clothing worn by digitally animated characters to maintain a highly realistic and natural appearance.
In addition to cloth simulation, FXGear's hair and water simulation made a debut when employed in the recent Korean movie, THE RESTLESS.