CURIOUS PICTURES creates five spots for Round Table Pizza

The San Francisco office of CURIOUS PICTURES has created a pool of fivespots for Round Table Pizza through Wieden & Kennedy (Portland, OR). Thereare four 15-second spots - "Steam Dance," "Rooster," "Full," and "Freedomof Speech" - along with a 30-second spot, "Tornado." The commercials weredirected by Michael Bade and designed by Seattle-based alternativecartoonist Peter Bagge (HATE), marking his first foray into both animationand television. Featuring various characters, the commercials guarantee thepizza lover's right to have fun while eating Round Table's pizza. "When Ifirst saw the boards I immediately thought of Bagge, one of my comic bookheros..." said director Bade. "The creative collaboration was wonderful. Westreamlined the stories and created the expressions and gags for theanimations. Since these were :15s, we approached the spots with a 'BazookaJoe' comic kind of simplicity - set up the joke, tell the joke, and thenkick 'em in the butt." The spots' co-executive producers were David Starrand Richard Winkler; Nick Hewitt was the animation director. RepresentingWieden & Kennedy were producer Arrow Kruse and creative director JimRiswold.