Disney's latest animated short, LORENZO, premiered earlier this month at the Florida Film Festival in Orlando, and VFXWorld is proud to provide the first inside look at this darkly funny tale about a narcissistic blue cat with a curse on its tail. Based on an original idea by the legendary Joe Grant, LORENZO was written, directed and designed by the very talented Mike Gabriel, who previously directed POCAHONTAS, and it boasts a groundbreaking digital rendering technique that captures the dry, rough, effortless brushstrokes of Gabriel's dazzling concept art.
Speaking of cutting edge techniques, Henry Turner investigates the newest developments in motion capture and motion control, which brings the technology on-set in HIDALGO, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST and the eagerly awaited POLAR EXPRESS. Meanwhile, VFXWorld has plenty of news to catch up on from Orphanage, Weta Digital, DreamWorks and Pixar, which will soon have a new cfo, Simon Bax. Plus, with the Game Developers Conference in full swing this week in San Jose, there's lots of topical gaming news too, including new SPIDER-MAN 2 mobile products from Sony and NVIDIA announcing the First Annual Best of Wireless Gaming Awards.
Bill DesowitzEditor