Digital Musings From the Editor:

With gaming very much on people's minds, Chris Harz reports back from GDC that "more than 300 presenters [gave] talks on how to develop games faster and better, how to use new generations of hardware and software and how to strategize for tomorrow's markets." We'll probably be hearing a similar kind of technological message at NAB next week and SIGGRAPH in August. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, Mary Ann Skweres speaks with the vfx wizards at Double Negative, Moving Picture Co. and Cinesite (Europe) about creating the magical world of Miramax's ELLA ENCHANTED. And tomorrow business consultant Marty Shindler discusses a very important topic: digital rights management and how to protect your valuable media content by placing virtual locks on it. With digital piracy getting so much attention these days, you'll certainly want to read the"ABCs of DRM."

Bill DesowitzEditor

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Bill Desowitz, former editor of VFXWorld, is currently the Crafts Editor of IndieWire.
