French TV Distributors & Producers in Force at Perking Showcase

TV France International, in collaboration with the French Embassy in Beijing and with support from the Chinese State Authority for Radio Film & Television (SARFT) have organized the first Peking Showcase, Nov. 28-29, 2004, at the Novotel Peace in Beijing. The event fits in perfectly with The Year of China in France.

More than 100 acquisition executives confirmed their attendance. Representatives from the major national channels are participating, among them CCTV (12 channels), Beijing TV (15 channels), and SMEG in Shanghai (22 channels). Also present are representatives from major stations in provinces such as Canton, Nankin and Hebei Tianjin, Guang Xi, Chengdu, Shan Xi, Wuhan and Haikou.

France sells 800 to 1,000 hours of programming per year (fiction, feature films, documentaries and animated films) to the Chinese television market, which had increased dramatically in the last few years, making it now one of three most important markets for French TV programming in Asia besides Japan and Korea. Co-production is increasing rapidly with China, especially in the field of animation.

The fourth Asian Television Forum will be held from December 1-3, at the Shangri-La Hotel in Singapore. France will be among the countries with the greatest number of firms represented, selling programs to all of the countries in the region.

French participants include 10 Francs, 2001 Audiovisuel, AB Droits Audiovisuels, Adventure Line Production, Agence du court-métrage (L), Arte France, Carrere Group, CLC Productions, CNDP, Ellipse Distribution, Europe Images International/M5, France Télévisions Distribution, Idéale Audience International, INA, M6 DA, Marathon International, Médiamétrie, Millimages, MK2, System TV, Télé Images International, Terranoa, TF1, International, Voyage and Zed.

TV France International is an organization promoting French entertainment production around the world. It is comprised of 153 member-companies and 18,000 programs. For more information, visit
