Santa Monica, California-based Threshold Digital Research Labs (TDRL) has produced and animated "Hershey's Really Big 3D Show," a feature-length original production showcasing 3D animation and presented in wide-screen 3D High Definition format with glasses and digital projection. The 40-minute show runs daily at Hershey's Chocolate World, located in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The show begins with a glimpse into the history of Hershey's chocolate and its advertising, with a lecture on the history of chocolate by the animated D. P. Quigley. However, Quigley is interrupted by a showman named Hollywood Johnny Procter who proceeds to dazzle the audience with his own version of the Hershey story. TDRL is currently in production on its first full-length digitally animated feature film, FOODFIGHT! The company has also created and produced digital visual effects for film (THE FACULTY, DOGMA), commercials and television (MORTAL KOMBAT: CONQUEST), as well as for theme parks worldwide.