Horsing around with VICON 8

Texas-based company Locomotion Studios recently pushed Vicon MotionSystems' Vicon 8 to the limit, by capturing motion data of riders onhorseback for THE NIGHT OF THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN, a TV movie being producedby Computed Animation Technology (CAT) which will air on Fox on October 28at 8 pm. The company merged their Vicon 8 with CAT's Vicon 8 to accomplishthe feat, which was no easy task. The crew had several concerns, the mostchallenging being finding a way to place markers on an animal that would bemoving quickly and violently. After several failed attempts, the crew cameup with the idea of making a marker suit for the horse. But that wasn't theend of the problems. More innovation was required as the crew set up the 18cameras and Vicon datastation 30 feet from the floor -- this distance wasneeded to cover the vastness of the capture area. This creative use ofmotion capture has once again pushed the industry over the fence, wideningthe threshold of what can be done with a little technology, and a lot ofimagination!
