“Miffy the Movie” reaches the status of Golden Film, an award given on behalf of the Dutch Film Festival and the Dutch Film Fund.
THE NETHERLANDS -- With a total audience of more than 120,000 visitors in The Netherlands, Miffy the Movie has reached the status of a “Golden Film.” The feature film, directed by Hans Perk and scripted by James Still, is based on the successful and beloved children’s books by Dick Bruna, and had its worldwide premiere in The Netherlands on January 30, 2013. The Award was given to Miffy on behalf of the Dutch Film Festival and the Dutch Film Fund.
The 100,000th visitor was the three-year-old Maud Mulder from Utrecht.
In their first time feature film, Miffy, Grunty, Melanie and Snuffy go on a treasure hunt in the zoo. There they have to solve five riddles, one by one, that are given by Mother and Father Bunny. On their way, Miffy and her friends meet many animals and have all sorts of fun adventures. The voices of the characters have been recorded by Dutch celebrities. The music of the movie has been composed by Dutch Tom van Beers and contains music recorded, amongst others, by the Dutch Metropole Orchestra.
Miffy the Movie was produced by Telescreen Filmproducties, a subsidiary of the German m4e Group, in coproduction with A.Film Production, KRO television and Mercis. The film was made possible also thanks to the support of the Dutch CoBO Fund, The Dutch Film Fund, MEDIA for development and i2i. Warner Bros. Pictures distributes the movie in The Netherlands.
The prizes Golden Film, Platina Film and Diamant Film are awarded by the Dutch Film Festival and the Dutch Film Fond for Dutch films reaching box offices of respectively 100,000; 400,000 and 1,000,000 admissions.
Source: m4e AG