MPC (The Moving Picture Co.) will play an instrumental role in U.K. Trade and Investments (UKTI) exploratory trade mission to SIGGRAPH 2004. Partnering with the National Centre for Computer Animation at Bournemouth University and UKTI, MPC will form part of the representation from U.K. visual effects companies. MPC will be at Booth #2153.
MPC are attending SIGGRAPH to showcase their recent work. In 2004, the studio led the visual effects for Wolfgang Petersens TROY and Paul W.S. Andersons ALIEN VS PREDATOR. The team also created photo-real creatures and environments for 230 shots, more than any other facility, on HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN and carried out all the visual effects for Working Titles WIMBLEDON. Additionally, it have completed sequences for Oliver Stones ALEXANDER.
Matthew Sagar, MPC human resources manager explained, SIGGRAPH is always an important date in my calendar as it is the perfect opportunity to investigate the wealth of industry talent in the U.S. This years government support leveraged by the trade mission will help us to ensure that the best talent around is brought into the U.K. industry.
For more information about UKTI, contact Dina Patel at tel.: 00 44 20 7215 8000 or Carlo Cavagna at e-mail: For more information on MPC, visit