Nickelodeon, MTV Networks and DreamWorks Animation have joined forces on a new, 26-episode, CG-animated comedy series tentatively titled THE PENGUINS OF MADAGASCAR, based on the penguin brothers in MADAGASCAR and upcoming sequel, MADAGASCAR: THE CRATE ESCAPE. The series, which tells the story of a group of penguins who believes it leads an elite strike force from its Central Park Zoo headquarters, will be produced at the Nickelodeon Animation Studio and is scheduled to premiere on Nick in early 2009.
The series will feature the all-new adventures of Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private, four penguins who rule the roost at their Central Park Zoo home. While the brothers have their flippers full keeping their multi-species zoo neighborhood happy, at times their secret missions beckon them to venture out onto the busy streets of New York City. Just as the team thinks it has its urban acreage under control, a new neighbor moves in next door: Julien, King of the Lemurs, a party animal with an entourage and an overactive ego. Much to the penguins' exasperation, King Julien and his friends are there to stay, proving once again that opposites do not attract.
The series will be exec produced by Mark McCorkle and Bob Schooley, (KIM POSSIBLE, HERCULES, SKY HIGH) and feature the voices of Tom McGrath as Skipper, Jeff Bennett as Kowalski, James Patrick Stuart as Private and John DiMaggio as Rico, with Danny Jacobs starring as Julien, King of the Lemurs.