‘Generations’ theme connects past pioneers with future leaders.
Registration is now open for SIGGRAPH 2018, the world’s leading annual interdisciplinary educational event showcasing the latest in computer graphics and interactive techniques. The 45th SIGGRAPH conference will take place 12–16 August 2018 at the Vancouver Convention Centre in Vancouver, B.C. To register for this year’s conference, visit s2018.SIGGRAPH.org.
“This year, we are celebrating generations, a theme that has several connotations based on the really rich history of SIGGRAPH. In the literal sense, it refers to the fact that pioneers in computer graphics from previous decades attend our conference each year, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the world’s newest and youngest researchers and practitioners,” said SIGGRAPH 2018 Conference Chair Roy C. Anthony (vice president, creative development, Ventuz Technology). “As we gather across multiple disciplines to innovate, relate, and grow, the term ‘generations’ is also a nod to the generations of software and hardware that keep getting better, faster, and more amazing every few years. Additionally, SIGGRAPH also ‘generates’ new ideas and connections, which is essentially the whole purpose of the conference.”
SIGGRAPH 2018 will continue the conference’s tradition of presenting the best in computer art and design, the bleeding edge of technology and research in graphics, from every corner of the globe. Keeping with a tradition of inclusiveness and collaboration, the conference will offer something for everyone — whether their interests lie in film production, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), animation, game development, interactive techniques, experiential design, or something not yet even imagined.
Regarding this year’s host city, Anthony continued, “Vancouver is an amazing hub of technology and business development — a true city of innovation. Vancouver’s unsurpassed beauty is inspiring in and of itself.”
Some of the new conference offerings include:
Business Symposium
SIGGRAPH 2018 will feature a return of the popular Business Development and Innovation Symposium. With Vancouver’s position as the number one startup ecosystem in Canada, the conference is an ideal gathering place for leaders in creative enterprise or those seeking to break into the industry. The Symposium will be a complete day of curated SIGGRAPH experiences — perfect for those who want insight into computer graphics-related business opportunities.
Production and Animation
There is no denying the importance of production and animation in Canada, particularly in British Columbia. With the iconic SIGGRAPH Computer Animation Festival and Production Sessions programming, SIGGRAPH 2018 stands ready to treat Vancouver to a showcase of the best minds and creativity in the business. The Production Gallery, introduced in 2017, will return and with it offer a museum of set treasures from major studios for attendees at every access level.
Immersive Pavilion
SIGGRAPH 2018’s Immersive Pavilion will offer an expansion from the popular VR Village through the Virtual, Augmented & Mixed Reality program. From development to the newest innovations in technology and the immersive experiences themselves, SIGGRAPH 2018 will be a great entry point for those new to these exciting mediums, while also offering more depth to those already deeply engaged in the space.
New Technologies
The SIGGRAPH 2018 Emerging Technologies and Studio programs will focus on home, health, and entertainment, including machine learning and artificial intelligence, as well as the practical applications of these quite recent areas of study.
Gaming and Interactive
SIGGRAPH 2018 will present sessions on the elevation of game engines and how the real-time rendering that has been driving VR experiences is now being applied to other areas as well.
Fine Arts and Design
This year, SIGGRAPH will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of Leonardo. The conference consistently seeks to increase the visibility of the arts, which always helps stimulate new conversations. Art informs science, as engineers and researchers work to turn an idea based on a piece or artwork into reality, through clever new uses of technology.
Research and Education
One of the primary foundations of SIGGRAPH each year is to feature topical research and education programs through bleeding-edge Talks, Technical Papers, Courses, and Panels. SIGGRAPH’s research and education programming allows attendees to enjoy a glimpse into the future of computer graphics and interactive techniques.
Dan Sarto is Publisher and Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network.