Silicon Graphics changes name to SGI

Silicon Graphics, Inc., the 17-year-old high-tech company known forbreakthrough graphics in movies such as JURASSIC PARK, is changing its nameto SGI. The change is part of a major branding shift, which also includes anew logo, national advertising and consolidation of hundreds of separateproduct brands. SGI decided to change its name after a branding consultantfound that while the company's products were perceived as innovative andvisionary, the company was viewed as a niche-oriented, high-performance 3Dgraphics workstation provider. In fact, company officials say their serversand supercomputers for small, medium and large businesses generate abouthalf of their revenues, and their hope is that by changing their name theywill eventually be thought of as a company that makes more than justworkstations. The company has been struggling for several years, losingmoney in nine of the past ten quarters as competitors have come on strongand the supercomputer market has weakened.
