TARZAN goes digital

Walt Disney's animated feature, TARZAN, will become the first-ever majorfeature release to be produced, mastered, and exhibited digitally when itopens today, Friday, July 30 at the following theaters: AMC's PleasureIsland multiplex at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, AMC's MediaCenter North 6 in Burbank, California, and the Edwards Irvine Spectrum inIrvine, California. According to Bob Lambert, senior vice president of newtechnology and new media for The Walt Disney Company, "TARZAN was the idealchoice for these historic engagements; the film is unique in that it wasproduced digitally from start to finish, and is being distributeddigitally, as well. The resulting image quality is exceptional." Check yourlocal papers for more information or visit www.tarzan.com. STAR WARSEPISODE 1: THE PHANTOM MENACE and AN IDEAL HUSBAND were the first majorfeatures to be exhibited digitally, but neither were produced entirely indigital form as was TARZAN.