Tim Burton, creator of NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, has inked a deal to
bring a series of animated shorts featuring his Stainboy character to
shockwave.com. Viewers will be able to download the charcoal-drawn
superhero's first five-minute short sometime in Spring 2000. Under the
terms of the deal, Burton will keep full artistic control over the
characters and properties. The William Morris Agency brokered the deal
which allows for the cross over to TV if the shorts become a hit on the
Web. Stainboy original appeared in Burton's collection of poems, stories
and illustrations entitled THE MELANCHOLY DEATH OF OYSTER BOY & OTHER
STORIES. In an agreement that resembles shockwave.com's deals with SOUTH
PARK creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone and comic book icon Stan Lee,
Burton is just another artist to enjoy the freedom of owning his own
creations and broadcasting them without time restraints and ratings worries
on the Net.