Justin Witte of Tiny Markers creates the animation for “Lament,” a stand-out track from Furious Frank’s most recent album, The Map & the Territory from Southern Love Records.
Justin Witte of Tiny Markers created the animation for “Lament,” a stand-out track from Furious Frank’s most recent album, The Map & the Territory from Southern Love Records.
The video, like the song, tells the story of a regretful but short-tempered god who is continually creating and destroying the world.
“This was a great project because Furious Frank's song, ‘Lament,’ was so great and provided so much rich imagery to work with,” Witte commented. “I think the part of this video that I enjoyed working on the most was imagining what god might look like or where she might live, but coming up with the newspaper headlines was also fun.”
All the images in the “Lament “video where hand drawn and scanned into Adobe Photoshop, then animated using Adobe After Effects.
Most of Witte’s animation work is simple with a retro hand-drawn style. In addition to the video for Furious Frank, Tiny Markers also recently created web animations for National Public Radio and Raygun Books.
Source: Tiny Markers