Trunk Brings Poetry in Motion to the London Underground

Trunk Animation completed work for Smile for London on “Word in Motion,” their new moving image exhibition that aims to uplift and inspire London commuters with poetry and moving images during January 2012.

Press release from Trunk Animation:

Trunk Animation is working with Smile for London on their new moving image exhibition, “Word in Motion,” that aims to uplift and inspire commuters with poetry and moving images during January 2012.

Smile for London invited new and established poets to submit work that has been turned into 20-second typographic films by leading motion artists. The finished silent projections are being shown across 60 screens on the underground including stations such as Angel, Oxford Circus, Covent Garden and Euston. Over the two weeks from 16th January approximately 1.5 million commuters will get to see each video.

Trunk has produced two of the films for the project; Alasdair + Jock created a fabulous piece of work that matches each word of Nikesh Shukla’s brilliant poem about litter and Lore&Jun created a film for a poem by Courttia Newland. The film is full of texture and colour that follows the lines and pace of Courttia’s poem with perfect timing. Both films are sure to bring a smile to the lips of those engaged in the morning or evening commute.

Smile for London: Lore&Jun

Smile for London: Alasdair + Jock

Jennifer Wolfe's picture

Formerly Editor-in-Chief of Animation World Network, Jennifer Wolfe has worked in the Media & Entertainment industry as a writer and PR professional since 2003.