“Cartoon Creatives: Women Power in Animation” panel to include ‘My Little Pony’ series creator Lauren Faust, Disney TV’s Brooke Keesling, ‘Voltron: Legendary Defender’ co-executive producer Lauren Montgomery, ‘Frozen’ Holiday Special co-director Stevie Wermers-Skelton, ‘Trolls’ producer Gina Shay, Cartoon Network’s Katie Krentz, ‘Star vs. the Forces of Evil’ creator Daron Nefcy, and WIA co-president Marge Dean.
Global professional organization Women In Animation is headed to Comic Con International in San Diego with a power-packed lineup of some of the most talented women working in the industry today.
While Women In Animation’s initiative strives to have a 50/50 workforce in the animation world by 2025, there are women leading the charge right now, creating, innovating, and guiding cartoons into a future filled with talent that goes beyond gender, and their fans are loving every minute of it.
Scheduled to appear are Lauren Faust (creator, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) Brooke Keesling (director of animation talent development at Disney TV Animation) Lauren Montgomery (co-executive producer, Voltron: Legendary Defender) Stevie Wermers-Skelton (co-director, the upcoming Frozen Holiday Special) Gina Shay (producer, DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming Trolls) Katie Krentz(director of development, Cartoon Network, Steven Universe), Daron Nefcy (creator/executive producer, Star vs. the Forces of Evil) and Marge Dean (co-president, Women In Animation) to discuss their experiences and upcoming projects. Moderated by Leslie Combemale of Animation Scoop.
Cartoon Creatives: Women Power in Animation
Thursday July 21st from 4:30-5:30pm, Room 24ABC
Source: Women In Animation