Photo by Cintia Matte Ruschel. Animation World Network. SIGGRAPH `97 came to Los Angeles with such a hype and fervor that before anyone knew what was happening, everyone was involved. The event was the talk of the town as SIGGRAPH graciously welcomed, not only the usual crowd of academia, visual effects artists and students, but by week's end, everyone from the curious to those remotely involved with the entertainment or computing field. Our extensive coverage of this event includes several features: Avi Hoffer's The Films of SIGGRAPH `97: A Coming...
Photo by Cintia Matte Ruschel. © Animation World Network.
SIGGRAPH `97 came to Los Angeles with such a hype and fervor that before anyone knew what was happening, everyone was involved. The event was the talk of the town as SIGGRAPH graciously welcomed, not only the usual crowd of academia, visual effects artists and students, but by week's end, everyone from the curious to those remotely involved with the entertainment or computing field. Our extensive coverage of this event includes several features: Avi Hoffer's The Films of SIGGRAPH `97: A Coming of Age, reviews this year's groundbreaking films from the Electronic Theater. Newshound Wendy Jackson brings us News from SIGGRAPH `97, a comprehensive report on all of the new and exciting products and events that were announced throughout the week. We are also presenting as an extra special treat; our very own AWN Gallery of SIGGRAPH `97's Computer Animation Festival, a sampling of images and notes from more than 30 of the films presented at SIGGRAPH's Electronic Theater. But wait! There's more! We have also included a survey of top computer animation studio executives as they discuss the challenges they face running a digital facility. Take a look at The Digital Studio Challenge: A Catch 22 to see what representatives from Rhythm & Hues, Fantôme, Neurones Animation and Pacific Data Images have to say.
Photo by Cintia Matte Ruschel. © Animation World Network.