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Category: Awards

Film Headline News

Cinanima Cites Best

Cinanima '99 finished its week-long run on November 14, 1999. The Espinho,Portugal festival highlights the best in animation from around the globe.This year, the International Jury gave their Grand Prize to AlexanderPetrov's film THE OLD MAN AND THE SEA. The Canadian and Japanese producedfilm also won the RTP Prize, an award given by the Portuguese StateChannel's special jury, and the Best Soundtrack Prize. TheCanadian-produced film by Eugene Fedorenko and Rose Newlove entitled

Film Headline News

The LEAF Falls On Phantom Menace

On November 18, 1999, LEAF, the London Effects & Animation Festival,bestowed their award for best effects in a feature film on STAR WARS:PHANTOM MENACE. Over 700 industry personalities watched LEAF's finale, anhour long visual effects smorgasbord from around the world. Rob Coleman wason hand to except the award for Industrial Light & Magic's work on thePHANTOM MENACE. Other winners included: AKA Pizazz's "Megalomaniac" forbest commercial animation; Jason Shulman's HOLLOW for best student film;

Headline News

Girls Inc. Honors Cartoon Net's Simensky

Linda Simensky, Cartoon Network's VP of original animation, received one ofGirls Inc.'s four 1999 honors. With over 50 years of service, Girls Inc.has been dedicated to helping American girls become strong, smart and boldthrough educational programs. Each year the organization honors industryexecs who have helped challenge and inspire young girls across America.Along with CBS pres. Nancy Tellem, Lifetime VP Kelly Goode Abugov, andEntertainment VP at WB Jordan Levin, Simensky was recognized for her work

Headline News

Worldfest Winners

By Rick DeMott | Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 12:00am

The 2nd Annual Worldfest-Flagstaff International Film Festival announcedtheir 1999 winners on Sunday, November 14. The festival's focus is onindependent works that have not yet been picked up for distribution. Theanimation winners were MUSIC FOR AN OWL directed by Hans Van Westerlaak atCinema Avant, BILLY'S BALLOON directed by Don Hertzfeldt for Bitter Films,THE MONKEYMAN RULES directed by James Dean Conklin for Greenhead Media, andTHE INDESCRIBABLE NTH by Oscar Moore at Character Builders.

Film Headline News

EuropaCinema's Two Toon Winners

EuropaCinema & TV, held in Viareggio, Italy, announced their two animationshort winners. FOREVER AND EVER, by Michaela Pavlatova and Pavel Koutecky(Czech Republic) and SUBURBANITES by Stefan Vermeulen (Belgium) took homethe prize. The international jury of Enzo D'Alo, Georges Wolinski, MarjutRimminen, Rastko Ciric and Sergio Staino said FOREVER AND EVER is "a filmthat gives us an unconventional interpretation of love, dramatic and at thesame time ironically surrealistic. A film that also reveals a remarkable

Festival Headline News

Moondance announces Winner

The Moondance International Film Festival has selected, thetraditionally-animated BEELINES, by Rachel Bevan Baker, from Edinburgh,Scotland, as this year's winner in the animation division. Moondance 2000takes place in Boulder, Colorado, January 14-16, 2000. Entries from femalescreenwriters and filmmakers from any country were welcomed to the competition.For more information e-mail:; or write: MoondanceInternational Film Festival, 970 Ninth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA.

Festival Headline News

MOONDANCE announces finalists

The Moondance International Film Festival has announced the finalists for its first competition, Moondance2000. The festival takes place in Boulder, Colorado, January 14-16, 2000 aspart of the Sundance Film Festival. Entries from female screenwriters andfilm-makers from any country were welcomed to the competition. For moreinformation e-mail:; or write: Moondance InternationalFilm Festival, 970 Ninth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA.

The following films are finalists in the animation film category:

Film Headline News


The International Cartoons &Animation Center's SALAM AND THE GOLDEN QUEEN has won the Hollywood FilmAdvisory Board's "Award of Excellence" and the Dove Foundation's "Dove Sealof Approval." In the film, Salam and the Knights of Virtue are shrunk tothe size of bees. Through their adventures in a beehive, they must learnthe value of cooperation and communication in order to return to the humanworld. The film is produced in six languages including English, French,Arabic, Turkish, Malay, and Urdu. Directed by Ammed Jamal Abdelhafiz, the

Headline News

WHEN THE DAY BREAKS wins at Leipzig

The 42nd International LeipzigFestival for Documentary & Animated Films took place in Leipzig, Germanyfrom October 26 - October 31, 1999. 49 films from 13 counties were shown incompetition this year. The jury was comprised of Jayne Pilling (GreatBritain), Silke Parzich (Germany), and Andrei Zolotouchin (Russia). Thefollowing awards were presented:

Goldene Taube, WHEN THE DAYS BREAKS by Wendy Tilby and Amanda Frobis,Canada, 1999.

Silberne Taube, PINOCCHIO by Gianluci Toccafondo, Italy, 1999 and NIGHT OF

Awards Headline News

1999 Annie Award winners are announced!

By Dan Sarto | Monday, November 8, 1999 at 12:00am

Nearly 900 members of the animation industry and the general publicattended the 27th Annual Annie Awards, Saturday, November 6 at the AlexTheatre in Glendale, California, USA. The awards ceremony, presented byASIFA-Hollywood, The International Animated Film Society, honors animationachievement within film, television, commercials, home videos andinteractive productions. Rob Paulsen and Maurice LaMarche, the voices ofPinky and the Brain from the Warner Bros. hit show, were co-hosts of a

Films Headline News

Chicago International Children's Film Festival announces winners

Four hundred guests crowded the second floor theatre at the ChicagoCultural Center, Sunday, October 24, for the 1999 Gala Awards Ceremony andClosing Night Party of the 16th annual Chicago International Children'sFilm Festival. The following awards for animated films were given out:

Children's Jury Prizes - Feature Films and Videos - Animation

1st Prize, KIRIKOU AND THE SORCERESS by Michel Ocelot (France)

2nd Prize, ANNE FRANK'S DIARY by Julian Wolff (France, Ireland, UK,Netherlands)

Film Headline News

Moondance announces quarter-finalists

The Moondance International Film Festival has announced the selection ofthe quarter-finalists for its first competition, Moondance 2000. Thefestival takes place in Boulder, Colorado, January 14-16, 2000 as part ofthe Sundance Film Festival. Entries were welcome from women screenwritersand film-makers from any country. For more information; or write: Moondance International Film Festival, 970Ninth Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA. The following films arequarter-finalists in the animation film category:

Animation Headline News

Animation Writers Caucus awards Paul Dini

The Animation Writers Caucus of the Writers Guild of America, a group ofanimation writers represented by The Writers Guild, presented its SecondAnnual Animation Writing Award to Paul Dini at its annual meeting onWednesday, October 20. Dini is currently writing and producing BATMANBEY0ND for the Kids WB Network. "He's a very talented writer who has alwaysturned out interesting, exciting material," said Craig Miller, the Caucuschair. "His work on BATMAN: THE ANIMATED SERIES and BATMAN BEYOND has

Film Headline News

Ottawa Student Animation Festival results are in!

The Ottawa International Student Animation Festival (SAFO) announced the grand prize winners in this year'scompetition on Sunday, October 24, 1999. The festival stated that, "Thisyear's winners show the high quality of work coming out of schools, bothlocally, nationally, and internationally."

The winners in the various competitions are as follows as reported by thefestival:

Grand Prix: Best Film In Competition -- GRACE, Lorelei Pepi, USA

Grand Prix: Best School In Competition -- Royal College of Art, England

Special Headline News

The ANIMATED CASTLES festival announces winners

The fourth edition of The Animated Castles film festival took place September 29 - October 3 in Rome,Italy. Here are this year's winners:

Grand Prize "I Castelli Animati":AU BOUT DU MONDE by Konstantin Bronzit, Russia.

Special Jury Prize:EUROPE & ITALY by Bruno Bozzetto, Italy.

Prize For The Best Debut Short Film:MIGRATIONS by Constantin Chamski, France.

Prize For The Best European Short Film:3 MISSES by Paul Driessen, Netherlands.

Special Audience Prize:

Awards Headline News

BAFTA announces Children's Awards nominees

The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) has announced the nominees for the 4th AnnualBAFTA Children's Awards. The Awards "honour the variety, richness andexcellence of British television for the young audience." This year'sAnimation category nominees are: THE BEAR (Channel 4/TV Cartoons Ltd.),BYBS (S4C/Griffilms), THE FIRST SNOW OF WINTER (BBC1/Hibbert RalphEntertainment), and SPOT (BBC1/King Rollo Films). Additionally, two of thefour nominees for the Children's Feature Film are animated: A BUG'S LIFE

Film Headline News

Matita Film Festival announces awards

The 2nd Matita International Animation Film Festival was held September 23- 26 in Guardiagrele, Italy. The jury consisted of Jury President GiulioCingoli (producer and director), Milan, Italy; Piotr Dumala (director,animator, and teacher at the Film School of Lodz), Warsaw, Poland; RuthLingford (director, animator, and teacher at the Royal College of Arts andNational Film & Television School of London), London, UK; Laura Ruggeri(student at the International Academy of Image, Lanterna Magica), L'Aquila,

Cartoon Headline News

MIGRATIONS wins Cartoon d'Or

Every year since 1991, the organization CARTOON, with the support of theMEDIA program of the European Union, selects one European short animatedfilm as the "Cartoon d'Or," or "best European animation film." This year'swinner, announced at the Cartoon Forum in Corboda, Spain (September 22-26),is MIGRATIONS by Constantin Chamski (France). The 4-minute CGI film isdistributed by France-based Heure Exquise! where it was also produced. Thisyear's other nominees were L'ARME DU CROCODILE by Eric Blesin (Belgium), EL

Awards Headline News

ASIFA-Hollywood has announced The 27th Annual Annie Award nominees

Antran Manoogian, President of the International AnimatedFilm Society, ASIFA-Hollywood, has announced the nominees for the 27th Annual Annie Awards, ASIFA-Hollywoods honoring of the best in animation. THE IRON GIANT leads the list of nominees with fifteen nominations, including best feature. The final winners will be presented with their awards at the Annie Awards Ceremony to be held at the Alex Theatre in Glendale, California on Saturday, November 6, at 7 pm. For more information about the event and tickets call (818) 842-8330.

Headline News

Fantoche 99 announces winners

The Fantoche International AnimationFestival, which was held August 31-September 5 in Baden/Zurich,Switzerland, has announced its award winners. The jury, which was comprisedof Linda Simensky (USA), Pierre Hébert (Canada), Michail Aldashin (Russia),Franziska Oliver (CH) and Frédéric Maire (CH), awarded the following prizes:

First Prize 'Best Film'MAJOR'S NOSE by Michail Lisowoi

Second Prize 'High Risk'GRACE by Lorelei Pepi

Third Prize 'Encouragement-Prize'

Award Headline News

THE WOLFMAN wins at Edinburgh

At the 53rd Edinburgh International Film Festival, which ran August 15-29,The 10th Post Office McLaren Award for the Best British Animation was wonby Tim Hope for THE WOLFMAN. The award is named in honor of the greatScottish experimental animator, Norman McLaren. The competition was judgedby a panel of six previous winners of the McLaren Award, including GedHaney, Phil Mulloy, Tim Webb and Sue MacLoughlin. Animation Director BobGodfrey accepted the award and a check on behalf of the winner from the

Animated Headline News


The Academy of Television Arts & Sciences awarded the Emmy in the categoryfor outstanding animated programs up to an hour in length to Fox's KING OFTHE HILL ("And They Call It Bobby Love"). In winning its first Emmy in thiscategory, KING OF THE HILL beat out fellow Fox toons THE SIMPSONS, FUTURAMAand THE PJS as well as Cartoon Network's THE POWERPUFF GIRLS. HBO's TODDMCFARLANE'S SPAWN took the honor for outstanding animated program over anhour. UPN's DILBERT won the award for main title design. The Emmy for

Visual Headline News

ITS announces Monitor Awards

ITS, a Vienna, Virginia-based trade association of the post-productionindustry, has announced the winners of the 1999 International MonitorAwards. "The Awards recognize artists who have successfully mastered thesynthesis of creativity and technology. It is the highest recognition foroutstanding production and post-production," says Ruth Roland, Chairman ofthe 20th Annual International Awards. This year's animation related winnerswere:


Animation Headline News

Cartoon Network supports college club

Gary Albright, vice president of creative services and off air promotionsfor Atlanta, Georgia-based Cartoon Network, has awarded The ClassicalAnimation Society of the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) a $500grant on behalf of Cartoon Network. The society will use the money to helpfund its activitites such as last February's MULAN Event which included ascreening of Disney's MULAN, clips of various stages of animated scenes,and a workshop in layout design by Disney artist Bill Hodman. The Classical

Film Headline News

Rio picks Anima Mundi winners

The fifth annual Anima Mundi festival has had its run July 9-18 in Rio deJaneiro, Brazil. At this festival the audience is the jury, and they havechosen:

Best Brazilian Film - DE JANELA PARA O CINEMA (RAINBOW'S END) by QuiáRodrigues.

Best Film of the Official Selection - GOGWANA by Deiniol Morris, UK.

Second Best Film of the Official Selection - AU BOUT DU MONDE (AT THE ENDSOF THE EARTH) by Konstantin Bronzit, France.

Third Best Film of the Official Selection - RECI, RECI, RECI (WORDS, WORDS,
