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Nik & Nancy WILL DO their Yard Sale this weekend, Sprocket Ensemble next performance - Feb 27, March 4 and 5

The sun is out, and we're over the flu - SO... we're doing our next big yard

Sat. and Sun. 9 til 4.

Speaker stands, furniture, bike, books and all - they're out and ready to

2066 30th Ave. at Quintara in San Francisco

Nik and the Ensemble have two public performances coming up:

Feb. 27 at the Balboa theater at a gala celebration of the 78th anniversary
of the theater, Nik and pianist Frederick Hodges will perform Nik's new
score to the Greta Garbo film Torrent.

March 4 and 5 Nik and the Sprocket Ensemble will perform to new European
animation in San Francisco and Oakland - March 4 at Varnish Gallery in SF
and March 5 at 21 Grand in Oakland. More details later.