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As suggested

I'll second that and raise it to a Pre-Production forum.

I've seen too many good concepts ruined by a lack of decent script, shot list, storyboard, animatic, etc. In fact, I've also seen many so-so animations carried by good pre-pro. It could be argued that the main thing my demo reel has going for it is the six weeks of pre-production work that went into it!

new writer

Hi, I originally registered here 'cause I had an animation research assignment to do and wanted to find info, I saw the scriptwriting thread and it caught my interest. I'm a freelance writer and write for competitions and for friends and enjoyment. About a month ago, I wrote this script intended for a comic a few friends and I were going to do, but it folded due to other commitments. I've got this script lying around (quite literatelly), it's seven pages and about 1,700 words long, a comedy, about this kids show puppet, and it focuses on his off-stage life. This puppet is a bit of an a-hole and doesn't try to hide it. One day, fed up with his life, he goes on a bloody killing spree and kills all his colleagues and burns the studio to the ground, then he goes into hiding. It's in its infancy stages at the moment and can be developed further. If anyone's interested, reply to this post.