If anyone could help me I would appreciate it. I have a sponsor who wants to donate money to get my ideas animated through a studio. Could anyone give me a ballpark price that it would cost to get a 2d 20 minute animation to get done? I would really appreciate it. I need to give him a quote but I am not sure how much. Thanks for your time.
Thank you everyone for all your help. It was very informative. :)
Thank you very much for the info. I have one more follow up question. Does those prices you gave me normally include the voice overs and the music? I guess what I mean is that normally the final package for everything or just the actual animation. I hope that this makes sense. Thanks again.
Dear Smith,
It depends upon the scope of the work and if the pre production is complete the prices will vary..... typically it also depnds on the style of the animation and you can also animate the story in flash which will be more economical than a Classical 2D animation.
Music/voice is also included by some and some take that as a Input from the producer.
Cost Of 2D Classical -$ 3500 -$ 5000 per Minute
Flash Animation - $ 900 -$ 1500
Elecom Animation Studio :)