What Price A 26-minute 2d Special?

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What Price A 26-minute 2d Special?

In 2005,what is the cost of producing/making a 2D animated special
that is 26 minutes long entirely in the USA?
What,also,is the cost of a 56-minute 2D spesh under the same

Safe guess would be around $500,000 to $750,000 for a 26 minute episode, and about 1.5 to 2 million$$ for a 56 minute special.
These would depend on the quality and styles of the shows and if you went with union or non-union studios.
The more dollars that getforked out the better/ more experienced the overall talent is more likely to be--meaning a better product comes from them.
The wrinkle here is FINDING a studio with the talent in hand to animate the job 2D. So much prevelance has been made towards animating here in FLASH or MAYA that the choices might be limited.
I know of a special being animated right now up in Canada that is being done for around $200,000, but its using beginner talent and novice directors/producers and was low-balled to get the work in the door in the first plavce.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

Re: 2d 26 special

Regarding your 2D 26 minutes special project, I could give you better idea about the cost if you are interesing. Please contact to me amazinganimation@163.net

here is quote for you.

In 2005,what is the cost of producing/making a 2D animated special
that is 26 minutes long entirely in the USA?
What,also,is the cost of a 56-minute 2D spesh under the same

Hi there,
How is life? hope you are fine. any way its difficult to tell baout the exact price without knowing the nature of the 2D animation you are talking about.But i can give you a raugh idea about it.

it will cost you arround 400,000$ to 750,000$ in USA.

But if you do the ame thing in india the cost will come down to 100,000$ to 150,000$ only.So if you are interested in more information you can e mail me on justmail1973@yahoo.com or on info@artbees.com.You can allways call on +91 9866152641.have a nice day n take care.



In 2005,what is the cost of producing/making a 2D animated special
that is 26 minutes long entirely in the USA?
What,also,is the cost of a 56-minute 2D spesh under the same


flash in us should cost you 35,000/ the same in 2d would cost any where around 70k to 100k depending on the story board.

bye :)

Speaking of flash, does anyone know what the cost of a 26 min animation done is flash is versus 2D hand drawn? I know it's much quicker, but is it cheaper too?

Flash Character Packs, Video Tutorials and more: www.CartoonSolutions.com

Producing Animation for 26 minutes or more

Wao!... It amazing to know the rates from USA and India. Well, for people with low budget and little market how can be managed it this?. For example, only to produce animation for educational stuffs or experimental commercial project animation for regional areas (Local Television) how will be the rates? also, if the local channel television will buy a litttle project (8 minutes episodes) How can I protect my rights and not loss in the business?.

I´m beginner in this field.

Regards, MSMedina
Anim Studio Panama/MSMH
Classical Animation - Illustration - Graphic & Web Design

a small market, experimental films etc arent really the concern of the animation studio (if the two are separate). they have to be given the detailed storyboards with deadlines and their price needs to be met.
the rest is the headache of the person offering the jobs to the studios.
it is also important to ensure that the studio has the infrastructure to do the work and dosent outsource the work itself.
if you are working for a local channel or a global channel the rates are the same. the detail of the work and format (flash,cel,3d) is what dictates the price.
there are huge number of studios some big and some medium sized who would give you great rates and the work would be pretty good as well.
Communication is the key.

as far as the legal issues are concerned. you need to ensure that you have the legality sorted out on your end for the content and there is no dispute over it before you hand it over to somoene else for outsourcing.
when you do there are certain papers youll need to draw up and get signed. namely the
MOU to establish that the two of you are working together to do XYZ job
Agreement of Terms and Conditions - self explanatory- this should include the delivery schedule, payment schedule and penalties.
Declaration of Ownership - A document to the effect which states that the outsourcing studio has no commercial or intellectual rights and cannot be stated as owners or creators of the work in any way shape or form. That they are merely a contractual party, contracted by your company to do XYZ jobs for them. THat the original copyright and commerical rights were and are owned by your (or whoever)
NDA - to ensure that they do not discuss the specifics or generalities of your contracted work with the press or anyone and that they are liable for any fallout.
there is plenty of legal avenues and protection. you dont need to worry about copyrights and ownership as long as YOU have a CLEAR title to them.
there is plenty of work going on in India and its pretty safe.

it would be cheaper for sure. but i hope you arent expecting it to be one of those disgusting tween jobs. at most i would expect to draw about 20%-25% less when using Flash.
point is when u look at it you shouldnt be able to say what has been used to inbetween.
without any kind of post-preproduction you should have a 26 minute feature ready for about $55,000-$60,000 (assuming you have completed some pre-production)