Animators in need of money? (a must read)

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Animators in need of money? (a must read)

Like many animators, they obviously want money, my question is.... how can I get some money for my animations using PAYPAL. I have 2 animation websites with "paypal" donate buttons..... but gussed it. I havent got 1 cent donated to me.. ANY TIPS on how to get some people to start donating money... ps: I know my animations aren't great..... but I think they are worth of someones extra 5 cents in their paypal account

my sites are

This was not a must-read.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)

yep, definitely not a must-read.

Gabe, your Rocky animation has 46 visitors when I checked. Maybe 1 in a 1000 people (if that) will donate anything. Most people don't have Paypal accounts and wouldn't bother getting one to make a small donation for an animation on an obscure sight when they could find hundreds of short films elsewhere. I believe Atom Films gives you money when people watch your film, so check them out.

The other alternative of making money in animation is by putting a reel together and finding a job in the field. Paypal donations won't work until your site is established and getting thousands of viewers a month - and even then it's not guaranteed.

P.S. If this advice was helpful, please make a donation to my bank account. Thank you.


P.S. If this advice was helpful, please make a donation to my bank account. Thank you.<---------LoL :d

This was not a must-read.

I agree. Get a job you bum. Unless your scheme works, then let me know. :D

First things first, an answer to your actual question: No PayPal. Consider a top of the line consumer-level hosting company. There are merchant accounts that are free now, with no extra fees, so you have the simplicity of transaction fee in percentage + small processessing fee (at midPhase it's 2.27% + $0.36, which I think is very competitive) with the legitimacy of a real live credit card acceptance program, like corporations use, instead of PayPal which is shunned by almost anyone outside of eBay thanks to among other things all kinds of technical difficulties and an inordinate number of lawsuits. Add to that the fact that you didn't spring the $3.98 for a domain, and you've got a bunch of tacit messages that ask people not to give you their money. Consider a more elaborate approach, like telling them how it'll get put to productive use -- to get software, or better yet educational books, that you might improve the quality of the animations they've come to watch!

Not to add fuel to the fire, but consider what you're asking: when donated money can save lives en masse, why use it to propogate someone who's not only free in peril or dis-ease, but fortunate enough to be doing what he enjoys in his free time? Like someone else said, you have a TON of competition from the super-quality stuff they can watch for free, people that supported -themselves- to be good, and it's those people who steal your donation money; even if they asked for money they'd have a way better shot on effort alone. Plus some people at your skill level just have better opportunities to make stuff with higher appeal...

I also wouldn't generalize a connection between money-hunger and animation. People that've been around might make a ton from reputation, talent, and high cost-of-living where they work/live, but I'm doing it expecting to start at 30-40k and not give two shites because I -love- it. Not making a comparison, either, because I'm not alone.

P.S. If this advice was helpful, please make a donation to my bank account. Thank you.<---------LoL :d

Sure echogoesblue, just email me your bank account and SS# and I'll send you the money. I have a huge sum of cash coming from a dead uncle in Algeria that I've never met. :D

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

That's so unfortunate. I loved Uncle Tony. ;)

I would... just..:D

I don't usually give my bank account and ss# to an ape :p

Gabe making money off any type of website is a complicated undertaking. Even with the best content and your webpage optimized for search engines you aren't going to be able to generate income unless you are getting thousands if not millions of hits per day. It's just unrealistic to think you are going to get rich off a little personal website. Most sites make money off advertising look at the number of banners on AWN.

Just have fun with your site and use it to learn techniques and grow, that's much more valuable than hoping that you will reap monetary gain from it.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

What did the Jib-Jab guys make off This Land? Didn't they say like $1500.00 after millions of hits when they were on Leno?

The Internet for charging for cartoons is like a free restaurant...and then we can pay after eating IF we want.

What I think we''l see in the futre are subcriptions to sites that automatically debit accounts per usage. But I still can't imagine anyone wanting a brand of animation that badly.