Is it possible to use the stage in Flash as a camera of some sort, so you are able to shake and tilt your stage as if it were a camera? Also, I was wondering why flash allows you to draw in the grey area outside of the stage. Could you draw something outside the stage and move the stage over the image you originally drew in the grey area, sort of like a camera pan? Thanks for any replies guys
One way to do it is, after you have done all of your animation, you can select all of the frames and then right click on the timeline and choose: "copy frames" and then make a NEW symbol and in the timeline right click and choose "paste frames". Now all of your animation is contained in one symbol. make sure that the symbol is a "graphic' and not a 'movie clip' symbol so that you can see the animation playing in the fla.
Put that symbol on the main timeline and delete all of your animation that is out there that you just pasted in the symbol. Now treat that symbol as the camera and you can scale it and move it to create camera moves. Just add a few key frames and move the symbol up and down a bit to get that shake movement.
As for the grey area, you can draw in it, but when you publish your movie (swf) you will only see what is in the white area.
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Exactly. The grey area is called the "workspace." I also use it for keeping my characters' spare parts when they aren't in use.
Haha Sweet! So how would I move the stage like a camera over something in the workspace??
It can't be done. The workspace is exactly that, just a space to work in and not the 'stage'. Obviously, the stage is where everything happens and the only part that a .swf file will display when a movie is made.
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Well that sucks. So are camera pans even possible in Flash... Say I have a huge picture of some hardass, and I want to pan up his boots to his face. How do I do it???? I mean this is a pretty basic thing I think in any cartoon... Maybe I watch too much anime.
I don't know why Flash doesn't have a built in camera, but this might help you out flash camera
It works just like a camera, and is easy to use. A few drawbacks (and big drawbacks) is that it only works with Flash MX professional, and Flash 8 professional. I'm not sure about the standard Flash 8. Also, since it is a movie clip, it WON'T translate to tv, in other words, this will only help you out if you're doing stuff for the web.
Otherwise, it's a matter of moving all the elements around on the stage. It's a major pain, but you can (eventually) achieve the same effects.