Best MA Program in US or Canada

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Best MA Program in US or Canada

HI. Im an BA Fine Art student in sweden an I've been thinking of taking my MA in USA or Canada. Ive heard of CalArts, Some school in Chicago and some in New York. I do also know about Concordia in Montreal. The probelm is I don't know if they're any good. Does anyone of you know something about theese schools or any other schools with a good MA program?

Please tell me and/or send me some links.

Best Regards



You may actually be interested in an MFA rather than an MA. The MA is generally a precursor to the PhD. The MFA is a terminal degree and is the most common degree in fine and applied arts. The MA is typically more focused on art history or art education rather than studio art.

There are many good choices of colleges and the ones that might be right for you depends on what your specific interests are. You say that you are interested in sculpture and new media. Are you interested in combining the two? Do you want to want to create fine art or work in a more applied area? If you are interested in a fine art area I would recommend that you look at RISD, SVA, RIT, and Bowling Green. There are other options, but that's a starting place.

Are you looking for a Masters of Fine Arts? Or something with more on an Computer Arts? New Media?

Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Fine art. But with a focus on sculpture/new media. But any fine art MA program with a good reputaion would be great.