I am looking for someone to create two cartoon characters for a logo for my company. I don't have any budget for this But I am willing to barter for free advertsing on my website and a display of your work. Please let me know if you are interested.
You have a "quote" company "end quote" but you don't have any budget for your graphic work? Get real, we don't fall for that line anymore. If you are a company and you have a budget, you can budget for graphics, if you try.
"Free Advertising" is worth just what you listed it at, nothing...free.
I was looking to barter for advertising and gallery space. Certainly, didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. In regards, to no budget....everyone starts somewhere. Hope to have more resources, in the future.
Then stop talking like a corporate putz and speak as an individual. Many of us are willing to help, but not a poser that pretends to be corporation or company.
Sorry, doobiedo but there is virtually nothing but offers to work for free on many animation forums...although the offer of free advertising is actually (maybe "sadly"'s a better word) better than the usual promises of glory if and when the ship comes in. So many regulars tend to be very weary and wary.
I would be interested in seeing your site. A link?
You have a "quote" company "end quote" but you don't have any budget for your graphic work? Get real, we don't fall for that line anymore. If you are a company and you have a budget, you can budget for graphics, if you try.
"Free Advertising" is worth just what you listed it at, nothing...free.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
I was looking to barter for advertising and gallery space. Certainly, didn't mean to offend you or anyone else. In regards, to no budget....everyone starts somewhere. Hope to have more resources, in the future.
Then stop talking like a corporate putz and speak as an individual. Many of us are willing to help, but not a poser that pretends to be corporation or company.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Sorry, doobiedo but there is virtually nothing but offers to work for free on many animation forums...although the offer of free advertising is actually (maybe "sadly"'s a better word) better than the usual promises of glory if and when the ship comes in. So many regulars tend to be very weary and wary.
I would be interested in seeing your site. A link?