Animation and graphic design

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Animation and graphic design

Hi all,

I haven't had time to post much recently, as I'm currently working and going to school for graphic design.

I'm hoping for some advice:

There aren't really any animation schools in my area, so I've been taking graphic design with a Time Arts minor at my local state university. I'm wondering if anyone might have advice on if it's worth it to major in graphic design, or if I should wait to accrue the funds to go to a school which actually offers animation.

Thanks for taking the time to read this!

Thanks for your responses! I'll try and be a bit more specific.

I'm majoring in graphic design, and have so far taken about a year of classes (I say "about" because I didn't formally declare a graphic design major until this year).

A "Time Arts" minor -- as far as I can tell -- is the equivalent of a motion graphics minor. They requirements include 2d and 3d animation. I took the 2D class last year (they only offer one class), and it was basically just an instructional class on how to use Flash.

The graphic design major requires basic drawing, photoshop, and illustrator. I'm currently taking a number of introductory courses in basic design and color theory.

I hope this rounds out my question a bit more.

Again, I really appreciate the responses!

You'll have to be more specific. Just how long would you have to wait?

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.

More art training sure won't hurt. It would most likely lean more towards background design or character design than towards animation. Personally, if you want to be an animator, I would save my money, and take figure drawing classes and workshops and draw a lot. Then go to an art school with an animation program.

You can also look in to They are an online animation school with mentors from studios like PIXAR, Disney, DreamWorks, Sony and others.

the Ape

...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."

What the heck is a "Time Arts" minor?