Hello, I would like to offer the resources of my site. I am developing a great deal of training for Modo but much of it can be applied to any 3D package.
I currently have nearly 4 hours of free training and 2 much more in depth videos. If you like the free stuff, please check out the premium videos.
The training is locate dat:
My main site is:
Thank you and enjoy.
Hey everyone. I am running a sale now through the beginning of January. Lower price and a free bonus training video. A total of nearly 4 hours of training for $20.
I did CAPPA and the training was ok. I was hoping for more but oh well.
Im thinking about doing a birthing from within training.
I wanna learn to work on 3D max, do you have any training to meet my desires...!
Harry Dsouza
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max is a big program, do you know what you want to learn first
Thanks for your great info post. It is really helpful. Thanks.
Wedding Videos
Hi Everyone, sorry I don't have any Max training. I use Modo, Maya and Lightwave... most of my training is for Modo in conjunction with Photoshop/After Effects. I will probably be coming out with some pipeline videos in the future (Modo, Maya, After Effects/Shake)
I do, however have some new free content, discounts on my current videos, with more of both coming soon.
ALSO, I have announced a seminar series at Mall of America (Minneapolis) one for beginner, one for intermediate and one for advanced Modo users.
Very impressive site..thanks for sharing with us..
SEO Copywriting
Does anyone still use XSI?
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Just a note, my new book will be out soon:
There will also be a couple of training seminars (Twin Cities and CA Bay area) for those who want to get up to speed very quickly. Info on those in the next couple of days as the schedules are set.
Also... just because I have been working hard on it, check out my next project:
- Ellery
So the book mentioned in the last post is now shipping (I know that some people have already received their copies). Also, there are versions for Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindle:
- Ellery
Best of luck for your new books.
So how do you handle books signing with a Kindel?
Well... hasn't come up :)
I would find a way though, lol.
- Ellery
Guess not then
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