Is audio for animation typically out-sourced or done in-house?

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Is audio for animation typically out-sourced or done in-house?

Hello, this is my first post here. My name is Andrew, and I am a music/sound guy. My question is: How do animation studios (of all sizes) typically handle their audio? Is it mostly out-sourcing to audio-post facilities and freelancers, or is it done in-house? Thanks!

Its done in house, its just

Its done in house, its just the animation process that gets outsourses but not the sound or anything else audio related based on my understanding.

Tim Ingles


Hi Andrew,

We're animation producers, and i can tell you that post above is the wrong ay round. In the corparate industry, audio is predominantly outsourced to freelancers or sound design studios ( depending on size of project). this is because you want a specialist on each of the areas of the production. It will only be in house if the company itself is large enough and have decided to do so, but even then not all studios have in house teams.

if it's longer form, i.e animation series ( and thus the studio is large enough) then they may have an sound designer in house, but most of the final finessing will again be done at a specialist location.

Music wise, for small to mid level animations tudios - they will largely obtain music from music resources online (i.e - 

If you create music, and thus would be approaching studios to do bespoke music, then they'd mostly only use bespoke music for projects that have bigger budgets. So instead of jsut approaching them, you would need to approach the advertising agencies themselves.

