Interested in learning about writing for Animation?

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Interested in learning about writing for Animation?

Hi everyone-

I'm a working freelance screenwriter in LA and I just wanted to share about an opportunity to learn about how screenplays for animated projects are written. The course is listed here -- -- We're starting this week and there are still a few spots left!

This is a new course I'm teaching and it will provide a strong introduction to animation writing in TV, features, and short films. If you're curious to know more, here's an article about the class --

Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see some of you all there! 


Any New Courses?

Hello Zac,

I am interested in writing screenplays for an animated project I have been wanting to tackle. I was wondering if your course will be available in southern california in the near future as I believe it would help me a great deal.

Yes, writing scripts is cool!

Yes, writing scripts is cool! you are almost a director!

Yes, that's interesting

Yes, that's interesting enough.

I'm also interested in

I'm also interested in learning writing for animation, I'm just looking for a course for myself.
Although I recently got acquainted with animation, I study to become a psychologist and understand how people think and what patterns of behavior they have. I will tell you that it is very interesting and helps to understand yourself. I recommend reading, where there is a lot of interesting information about anxiety, where it comes from and most importantly how to deal with it. There are also many other articles on psychology, so if you are interested in this topic, I highly recommend reading this resource.
It is very well-written and meaningful!