The Festival of Animation Berlin is celebrating it's second edition! It aspires not only to promote numerous filmmakers but also to pay tribute to the art of animation. As a platform where inspiration, creative exchange, innovation and communication come together it seeks to create a point of connection between both emerging and established filmmakers and a local audience.
On three days, from September 7-9 2018, the Festival of Animation Berlin will again show the best and newest regional and international animation films. Filmmakers from Berlin and from around the world will thereby have an opportunity to associate with like-minded people and connect with an audience that admires and appreciates their work. Beside the screenings there will be exhibitions, workshops, masterclasses, discussions, talks by filmmakers, presentations by animation studios and parties.
You are now kindly invited to submit your films produced after March 31st 2017 to one of the Festival’s following competition categories:
# Animation film for children
# Student Animation
# Berlin Animation
# German Animation
# International Animation
# Feature Animation
# 360° Film
There are no fees to enter. Submission deadline for your animated short films is April 15th 2018.
Submission Deadline for the categories “Feature film” and “360° Movie” is June 15th 2018.
For registration and more information click here.