Toronto Animated Image Society presents:
Collage Animation on the 16 mm Oxberry StandA Master Class with Halifax-based artist James MacSwain
SUNDAY, APRIL 10, 10 AM - 5 PMToronto Animated Image Society(60 Atlantic Avenue, Suite 102)$35 TAIS members, $50 general publicenrolment limited to 10For more info or to register, email or call us at 416-533-7889
In this full-day workshop, James MacSwain will share some of his award-winning work and storyboard scripts as a beginning point for exploration into collage animation on the Oxberry 16mm stand. The group will then be broken up into two teams that James will lead through the process (start to finish) of scripting and shooting a short animated collage film on the 16 mm Oxberry stand that TAIS houses based on an idea the group devises. This is an exciting opportunity to learn about the inner workings of James' art practice while gaining practical, hands on experience with his tools of choice.
About James MacSwain:
James was born in Amherst, Nova Scotia. He received a B.A. in English from Mount Allison University and studied theatrical arts at the University of Alberta, Edmonton. Since 1980 he has been working in film and video with a particular focus on 16 mm collage and animation, and has made over 20 films in the last 30 years. As a visual artist he works in photo-and collage-based images and has exhibited nationally. Presently he sits on the Exhibitions Committee of Visual Arts Nova Scotia and has just retired from his employment as the Director of Programming for the Centre For Art Tapes. James has been selected as the 2011 Images Festival Canadian Spotlight Artist.
Presented in partnership with The Images Festival and with funding support from The Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council and the Toronto Arts Council.