US-Korea Digital Entertainment Investment Forum

“US-Korea Digital Entertainment Investment Forum”

On behalf of Minister Knowledge of Economy and KOTRA (Korea Trade–Investment Promotion Agency), it is our privilege to invite you to “US-Korea Digital Entertainment Investment Forum,” as part of KMCM USA 2009 at the Los Angeles Marriott Downtown Hotel on December 4th.

The attendance is free of charge, but space is limited (50 spacing available for luncheon and networking with senior Korean government officials).

We are inviting key players and executives from US and Korea Digital Entertainment, global investors (US and Korea Fund Managers), and government officials who will discuss about digital investment opportunities and monies available for investment in U.S. digital entertainment companies and Korean game companies interested in co-development and co-distribution in the US and Korean Market.

21 Korean Digital Media Companies and 3 Fund Managers will be available for one-one meetings after the luncheon section with the selected attendees.

If you would like to attend, please fill out and submit the attached registration forum by fax to 323.954.1707, or e-mail to by November 27, 2009.

Date Time Program Schedule12/4 09:30-10:00 Registration Exhibition/B2B Meeting 10:00-10:20 “Business Opportunities in Korea” 10:20-10:40 “Seoul Initiative for Digital Entertainment Industry” 10:40-11:00 “Korean Funds for Promoting Digital Entertainment Industry”

United States