I'm an italian pianist and animation student. I'd like to know from canadian people how is the animation life in Canada.
Can a foreigner find job? A lot? Few? Normal?
What kind of job (3d, 2d, television, cinema, videogames ecc..)?
In Italy we are living a huge depression period, and so I'm thinking seriously to settle myself in another country.
Thanks a lot! :) :) :)
Hi Cassano
I hate to burst your bubble, but finding animation work in Canada, for a foreigner especially, who is straight out of school, is a very, very hard thing to do. Especially with the business being down such as it is right now world-wide (I can live without the stupid arguements about that from others who have tried to argue it with me in the past, and who have no clue as to what they are talking about), jobs are few and far between, and newcomers are competing for jobs with seasoned veterans.
One other thing that makes it very hard for a foreigner to get work in Canada is the residency issue. The Canadian government gives a lot of tax credits and subsidies to studios in order to have Canadian tax-payers (residents) in the film industry working on productions. Most studios will not even look at someone applying for a job if they have not been paying taxes in Canada for the last year. This is even touchy, because now they have regulations from province to province, so if you have been paying taxes in Ontario for example, you will have a very hard time finding work in B.C. or here in Quebec.
It is all so very complicated, but it is just a measure to ensure that Canadians get Canadian jobs first. Most countries have these same regulations, as they do not want outsiders coming in and taking precious jobs from their citizens. Understandable...
Your best bet is to finish your 2D traditional programme (I am assuming you are studying at the International Summer School of Animation over at Sheridan), and then follow it up with the 3D grad programme. There is still a shortage of 3D animators in Canada (good ones with some 2D background), and if it can be proven by a company with whom you are applying for work, that you have skills that not every other Canadian has, and they have tried to find adequate people but were unable, you may be able to get your foot in.
By the way, there are some GREAT studios in Italy. If you are unaware of them, let me know, and I will post the names and coordinates on here.
Good luck
"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon
thank you for this long and complete answer. I understand the problem, and I was thinking to go beyond, finding the way to become citizen in a foreign country as thousand of italian people do.
Animation and classical music are my life, and I don't like how they are made in Italy, espacially for the musical side.
Now I'm studying at the National School of Cinema in Italy (www.snc.it) in the animation departement of Torino. I think I know the most important italian animation studios, and I know how they work, but if you can tell me further information, please let me know.
Thanks again!
up up up up up :D