Free Indie Animated Short and Music Online!

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Free Indie Animated Short and Music Online!

Hello all - some of you may have already checked out my 15-min 2D (limited) animation short film "Awake In The Garden" - if you have, thanks for your support. If you have not, check it out for FREE! There's also some FREE original music (mp3) you can access from my site as well. Check it out and feel free to feedback. Thanks!

I have the slowest connection on earth-- smoke signal internet from a nearby mountaintop. Is it possible to buy a copy on VHS? Love to see what you're doing and see what I can learn for my own limited animation work. My connection at work is fast, but I think IFilm is blocked there.

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Hi rupertpiston - thanks for the interest. I can send you a free DVD (or VHS if you prefer) not a problem. Shoot me me an email or a privite message w/ your address and I'll send it along.

Anthony/ Gio Entertainment