Advice needed.

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Advice needed.

Hi people. I am looking for someone to produce the sound for the animation that I am currently working on. Its still in its very early stages.

The summary of the story is:The Hero after reading a newspaper artical on a brutal murder decides to travel back in time and prevent the murder from taking place. But in doing so The Hero becomes the victim of the murder.
Ruturning to the newspaper artical The Hero was reading, the audience finds out that the murder The Hero wanted to prevent was her own.
Begining- An old woman (The Hero) reading an artical on a past event. The Hero is angry and reaches for a neckalace that she is reaching for.The neckalace when worn has the ability to travel back in time. She goes back in time to confront and stop the killing from taking place.
(We know she has gone back in time as she becomes younger, with the same facial features)
Middle- Thye Hero stumbles across the killer and there is a struggle, (Conflict) as she tries to prevent him from killing.
End- The killer murders the hero and runs away into the woods, leaving her for dead.
Twist- The last shot will be the newspaper artical that the old woman was reading at the start and it is here that the audience finds out that the death she wanted to prevent was her own.
What do u think of this concept of a narrative. The animation will be traditionally drawn and lasts for 2 minutes.
Any advice would be apprieciated and if any one wants to jump on board and help with the sound, I would be delighted.
The storyboard and anamatic will be completed in two weeks and so Ill post them then.

try the Co-op forum if you're looking to recruit some help, people seem to look for work there more often.

As far as your pitch, hey, tell whatever story you want, that's the up side to personal projects. If you like the story, then it's good enough, just ask George Lucas.