I'm trying to find sites with good background layout designs from cartoons.
I'm designing my backgrounds and sometimes it's hard to figure out what types of camera angles make the shot interesting or where the characters should be placed.
I'm trying to find sites with good background layout designs from cartoons.
I'm designing my backgrounds and sometimes it's hard to figure out what types of camera angles make the shot interesting or where the characters should be placed.
i dont know of any sites per se where they have layouts specifically, but best be to watch some toons to get an idea or to confirm a decision..
you could try cartoon network . they have some low res images of bg for dexter , im not to sure about the others , give it a shot , worth a shot
for camera shots and similar try this pdf file, is one hell of a classic
Storyboarding the Simpsons way !!!
(ref : animationmeat.com)
Excellent backgrounds.
Wait for this to load and then click on concept art and click the right arrow.
These aren't backgrounds but characters (so fun to look at)
sweet ! :D
whoa, cool cool links! Such a big help. Thanks!
Those links are fun and kind of inspirational. Maybe I'll get off the stick and do a new piece one of these days. Thanks for sharing.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Take a look at Michael Hirsh's website.
Where is Michael Hirsh from. This mountain that he uses a couple times in his work sure looks like Mt. Lassen.
Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.
Here is the cartoon that goes with the links from Joe Corrao.
I think think this guy is so talented.
Micheal Hirsh's backgrounds are beautiful! :D
"Animation isn't about how well you draw, but how much to believe." -Glen Keane